Reports from Daily Analysis
There has never been a time when the impact of digitalization and virtualization has been as profound as it is now, when technologized and digital controls have been adopted in large numbers behind worldwide public health emergencies, when the scope of everyday life has been replaced by cyberspace, and when digital meetings have become the new everyday. The fact that these technologies often take over our lives before we fully understand the workings and risks behind them requires a brake-like move to make us rethink our relationship with technology.
Digital Virtual Technology and Private Sphere Vol. 01
Artist-led curating Project, 2021
Digital Virtual Technology and Private Sphere – a Collective Critical Report is a practice in which participants engage in a critical process of daily digital life through their own digitization, virtualization, observation, analysis, and comparison of cases. This work will be implemented by each participant in the form of images, graphics, text, audio, etc. The project will be carried out at different scales. The project will explore the topic of digital virtualization from a private perspective on a variety of scales, and these “private reports” will constitute a collection of profiled images in the overall project, which is a combination of an open platform and a community of images.
Participants conducts a private “daily analysis practice of digitization and virtualization” of themselves and simultaneously records, based on a private starting point, in a manner of personal choice. I need to try to find a logical way to combine and further integrate the members’ initial “private reports” into a collective community.
Digital Virtual Technology and Private Sphere is a long-term ongoing research project, and the Report is the first project to focus on a combined online and offline exhibition format, and includes a project website, project manual, video module, and online and on-site exhibitions.
The project is supported by the Ya project of the A4 Art Museum (Chengdu) in terms of platform and exhibition.
Project Components:
Huang Jieyuan, Digital Virtual Technology and Private Sphere Vol. 01, 4K Video, Single Screen, Color, With Sound, 4’0″, 2020
Digital Virtual Technology and Private Sphere – A Collective Critical Report project team, Digital Virtual Technology and the Private Sphere – A Collective Critical Report Booklet, project book, 210 mm × 148 mm, 2020.
Digital Virtual Technology and Private Sphere – A Collective Critical Report project team,, website, hosted on the site building platform, 2020.
Digital Virtual Technology and Private Sphere – A Collective Critical Report project team, Digital Virtual Technology and the Private Sphere – A Collective Critical Report Trailor, HD video, single screen, color, with sound, 2’24”, 2020
Individual report section:
Chen Mengxi,”When Covid-19comes. Dancers started live broadcasting, I call it “Entertainment circle ”,Single Channel Video Installation, Record of online live broadcasting talk, 3’41”, 2020
Li Linxi, Hold your head and comb your hair,video, 2’43″,2020
Yukii Li, Private Customized Online Shopping Experience For You, Participatory interaction, 2020
Zapkin Wen, Instantaneously Post Your Hate Button, Interactive installation, 2020
Charlotte Yao, Safe word undefined,if you’re happy and you know it clap your hands,video, 5’55″,2020
Zhou Yinglin, 4k video, 2-channel, color, sound, 3’59”, 2020

project view
Digital Virtual Technology and Private Sphere Vol. 02
Artist-led curating Project, 2021
Report of Digital Virtual Technology and the Private Sphere an exercise in which participants complete a process similar to the critique of everyday digital life through digging, observing, analyzing, and comparing cases involving their own digitization and virtualization. The work will be carried out by each participant in the form of video, image, text, audio, etc. These “private reports” constitute a collection of dissected images in the overall project, which is a combination of an open platform and a community of images.
Each participant performs a private “daily practice of digital virtualization analysis” and records it, based on a private starting point, in a way that is personally chosen. I need to try to find a reasonable combination and further integrate and compile the initial “private reports” of each member into a collective image community.
Vol.02 builds on the previous project, focusing on the nuances of digital virtual technology and related issues.
The project is supported by the Yanjiao Biennale in terms of platform and exhibition.
Keywords for the project report:
Digital Voice – Albert Negredo, Selina Lee
Digital Geography – Aurelie Crisetig, Pedro Gramaxo
Digital and Behavior – Cherrie Yu, Çifel Hüseyin
Technology and the Body – Emin Mathers, Marcel Top
The Virtual and the Spatial – Zhou Yinglin, Pastel White, Li Yijun
Project Components:
Aurelie Crisetig, This belongs to everyone, so enjoy the view, digital photography, digital image, collage, size variable, 2020.
Cherrie Yu, Trio A, HD Video, Single Screen, Color, Sound, 00:36:39, 2020.
Çifel Hüseyin, Artistically Exploring “Distance” as a Transformative Dimension, Arduino microcontrollers , cameras, computers, drawing robots, size variable, 2020
Emin Mathers, Human of 2020, digital photography, size variable, 2020.
Li Yijun, Dairy Dream Factory, CG animation, 2k video, single screen, sound, 00:01:43, 2020.
Marcel Top, Inferences, HD Video, GAN, data, digital images, size variable, 2020.
Pastel White, The Still Life, digital photography, virtual CGI scenes, size variable, 2020.
Pedro Gramaxo,Portrait#5, digital photography, size variable, 2020.
Selina Lee, Fox News in Chinese, Video, box, voice assistant, news video, size variable, 2020
Zhou Yinglin, Square Deception, 4k video, Single Screen, Color, Sound, 00:03:59, 2020.

project view