With inspiration from the Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA), I began to think about a way to get the right design for the media and technology in the Image Field, the IF Solution, which stands for Image Field Solution and consists of a number of features proposed in Image Field project. IF Solution means “the solution of the medium”. IF Solution is to place the design and optimization of media and technologies carried out in Image Field in a co-creative platform that is not only my rzesponsibility, but also accessible to different participants. Here I refer to the concept of Latour’s project http://modesofexistence.org/. It establishes the research project as a media platform rather than a closed working group, so that the institution of a project becomes a mediated institution.

Outdoor Survival Suit for Video Installation (concept)
dust- and waterproof case, Raspberry Pi player, smartphone, router,
Solar panel, variable size, 2020

virtual installation view